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POS Application Open Source dengan Framework Codeigniter dan MySQL

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Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface.
POS Application Open Source

Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale system. The main features are:

Stock management (Items and Kits)
VAT, customer and multi tiers taxation
Sale register with transactions logging
Quotation and invoicing
Expenses logging
Receipt and invoice printing and/or emailing
Barcode generation and printing
Suppliers and Customers database
Multiuser with permission control
Reporting on sales, orders, expenses, inventory status
Restaurant tables
Messaging (SMS)
Selectable Boostrap (Bootswatch) based UI theme
Mailchimp integration
reCAPTCHA to protect login page from brute force attacks
GDPR ready

The software is written in PHP language, it uses MySQL (or MariaDB) as data storage back-end and has a simple but intuitive user interface. The latest 3.x version is a complete overhaul of the original software. It is now based on Bootstrap 3 using Bootswatch themes, and still uses CodeIgniter 3 as framework. It also has improved functionality and security. Deployed to a Cloud it’s a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution.

LOGIN using

username: admin
password: pointofsale

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Op Web Development
Commented On 11 Des 2021 20:37:09
cari aj saya lupa...

Dani Yusuf
Commented On 11 Des 2021 06:30:56
gak niat...

Reren Firmansyah
Commented On 23 Mei 2020 22:07:05
Gan letak database dimana ya...

Dede Lukman Hakim
Commented On 31 Okt 2019 20:57:13
databasenya yang mana yaa...

Op Web Development
Commented On 30 Jun 2019 11:19:32
Maaf gan ini ada Sumber webnya langsung di sana...

rafi rabbani
Commented On 27 Jun 2019 16:30:50
assalamualaikum gan , mau nanya dong tentang aplikasi ini . ini masih erorr apa gimana ?...

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Web Toko Point of Sales
Op Web Development
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Olim Project
07 Mei 2019, 21:15:10 WIB
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668 kali
CodeIgniter, Cross Platform Programming, CSS Templates, Database Programming, PHP, Programming, Web Design, Web Programming, Website, Website Building, Website Templates,
Dilihat 1365x
Rp 500,000
