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Source Code + DB
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Butuh karyawan baru? atau seorang Web Developer (Part-time/Freelance/Full-time) untuk mengerjakan project/aplikasi anda?, cari disini : Members Area Jobs!
Assalamualaikum, I want to create a website like https://uae.sharafdg.com with all the features in it using laravel.not all categories wil be usig
I do not want the mutli vendor in it I want a button in footer whoever want to sell something send to the admin with details like images size price ....
the website will be in two languages Arabic and English
3 payment getaway 1 cash on delivery 2 payapl 3 stripe
live chat
dashboard for customer and admin
I want to the website within 5 to 10 days
I have bought the domain and hosting
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