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Robby Prihandaya
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Tanggal Lahir
06 Mei 1989
Alamat Lengkap
Jl. LInggar Jati, Perupuk Tabing, Padang

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Tentang Saya
I am seasoned developer with a mixed background in the architecture, design and development side of technology. A forward-thinking developer offering more than three years of experience building, integrating, testing, and supporting Android applications for mobile and tablet devices on the Android platform. My main expertise is in native android development and backend development, but i am also capable of doing full-stack development and mobile react development using React Native.

Backend development expertise: Django, Django REST API, Lumen Microservice, and Codeigniter. Android development expertise: Koltin, Java, Reactive Programming, Dagger, Retrofit, and other modern tools for android development. My goal is to obtain a gainful position with a company that utilizes my strong experience as Android Developer.
1. Pendidikan Formal
No Jenjang Nama Sekolah Jangka Waktu
1 Taman Kanak-kanak (TK) TK 1 1998 - 1999
2 Sekolah Dasar (SD) SD1 2000 - 2006
2. Pendidikan Non-Formal
No Jenjang Nama Tempat Jangka Waktu
1 SD Tahfidz Mutiara Sunnah 2000 - 2002
2 SMP Halaqoh Tahsin 2003 - 2005
3. Riwayat Pekerjaan
No Perusahaan Jabatan Jangka Waktu
1 Perusahaan 1 Tukang Bangunan 2015 - 2016
2 Perusahaan 2 Mandikan Harimau 2017 - 2019
4. Riwayat Prestasi
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