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[Update] Arrocy WhatsApp Gateway (SaaS)

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Arrocy WhatsApp Gateway adalah aplikasi kirim pesan WhatsApp yang diintegrasikan dengan API untuk membuat notifikasi, bot, pesan schedule dan reminder.

Fitur :
- Kirim pesan template
- Kirim pesan Chatbot
- Kirim pesan Broadcast
- Kirim pesan Notifikasi
- Kirim pesan button
- Kirim pesan melalui API
- Kirim media melalui API
- Payment gateways (PayPal, Midtrans, Stripe, GoPay)
- Subscription packages (Bisa dijual kembali)
- Wallet system
- Multi devices
- Webhook
- OpenAI ChatGPT & Gemini AI Integration
- Language: Indonesia, English
- Rest API
- Documentation

Silahkan cek demo untuk lebih detail

v6.1.3 (03 December 2024):

- NEW! Update Baileys v6.7.9 (REQUIRES Node v20.xx, DO NOT UPDATE IF YOUR SERVER DO NOT HAVE Node v20).
- NEW! Send message to bot to Subscribe/Unsubscribe. Menu Devices -> Edit -> General.
- NEW! External Webhook. Every incoming message, it will send raw JSON data to external URL. Example usage for N8N. Menu Devices -> Edit -> External Webhook.
- FIXED! Minor bug fixes.

v6.1.2 (19 September 2024):

- NEW! Update Baileys v6.7.7 (REQUIRES Node v20.xx, DO NOT UPDATE IF YOUR SERVER DO NOT HAVE Node v20).
- NEW! In app documentations (menu Documentations) This documentations are for your users. Samples included, please edit!
- NEW! Allow user to delete own account (menu Settings).
- NEW! Requires strong password for new user registrations (Menu Settings).
- NEW! Add 1 more verification step to payment gateway. (Only Paypal needs to add "PAYPAL_SANDBOX=true" in admin panel env file if you are testing Paypal payment gateway, other payment gateways no need to add this).
- FIXED! Automatically remove trailing slash if you accidentally put "/" at the end of url.
- FIXED! Minor bug fixes

- NEW! Working hour per device (Menu Devices >> Edit).
- Device only send message during working hours.
- NEW! Upgraded to Laravel v11
- NEW! Gemini AI Integration
- NEW! Compatibility update with PHP8.3
- UPDATE! Baileys 6.7.5
- FIXED! Minor bug fixes

Silahkan buat akun baru untuk demo lalu scan qr code untuk mulai mengirim oesan

Jika ada pertanyaan silahkan chat kami

Server Requirements :
+ Hosting (Recomended VPS Server)
+ NodeJS 20
+ MySQL Database
+ Laravel v11
+ Apache/Nginx
+ Versi PHP: 8.2+
Q: Ready om?
A: Selama ada postingan ready

Q: Apakah butuh lisensi untuk aktifasi?
A: YA! lisensi per doamin

Q: Apakah ada panduan?
A: Ya

Q: Apakah gratis update?
A: Ya gratis update selamanya dengan sekali beli
1. File produk diperbaharui. Minor Update 2024-12-06 18:47:02 (2 Bulan lalu)
Hendra ardiansyah
Commented On 20 Des 2024 03:42:53
Halo, apakah saya dapat source code nya dan saya bisa mengubah SC tersebut?...

Bang Bross
Commented On 17 Agu 2024 11:47:22
Giman cara dapat license nya?...

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Rp 1,485,000

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Web Media
File Size
78 MB
Sumber File
Rp 1,485,000 4,485,000
(Diskon 67%)
Free Akun (Berbayar)
Nama Lapak
17 Agu 2024, 09:07:42 WIB
Last Update
06 Des 2024, 18:47:02 WIB
0 kali
Administration, Administrative Support, API Gateway, Blue Tick Whatapp, Linux, Multimedia, Multimedia Programming, MySQL, Nginx, NodeJS, PHP, Programming, Sales and Marketing, Ubuntu, Website, WHMCS, WooCommerce, Wordpress,
