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Realtime Android Geolocation Tracking with the Google Maps API

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Realtime mapping and geolocation tracking is a core feature of web and mobile apps across every industry. The idea is simple – detect and stream location data to a live-updating map to smoothly watch location updates as they change in the real world. With that, Android geolocation tracking is an essential technology today.

The Google Maps API provides an Android Map widget that displays a map based on your configuration. The map size, map center latitude and longitude, zoom level, map style and other options may be configured to your initial preferences and updated on the fly.

It also provides an initialization callback option that calls a function you specify when the map is loading. You can use features like Map Markers and Polylines which allow you to place friendly markers and flight paths on the map at the location(s) you specify. All the points are user-specified and may be updated in real time as updates arrive.

Google Maps provides great mapping functionality, and combined with PubNub for the realtime location coordinates updates, the two work incredibly well together.

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Raja Aplikasi Indonesia
10 Apr 2019, 06:48:54 WIB
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232 kali
Android, Android studio, Java, Mobile Programming,
