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Script Instagram Tools Premium CodeIgniter

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GRAMEASY is exactly that software tool. It helps put your Instagram account on autopilot, doing the liking and commenting activities for you round the clock, attracting followers to your account even when you are asleep. It’s a powerful tool, but used incorrectly you could appear like a spammer and lose hard earned real followers.

Auto Activity: This feature help you auto doing the liking, commenting, following, unfollow, followback, repost media, delete your media activities for you round the clock.

Targets: You can easily find targets with multiple selections under hashtags, locations, usernames, feed timeline,...
Advanced Filters: These filters have recently been introduced to Grameasy and they allow a higher degree of targeting the most relevant users. These settings will vary depending on your needs, there are no rules to using these settings and there little that can go wrong with them as well. The main issue you might encounter if narrowing down on your target market too much, which will mean that Grameasy runs out of users to interact with a stops performing activity. You will need to repeatedly log back in to Grameasy to adjust settings each time this happens which can be a bit of a pain. If you don’t notice that Grameasy activity has stopped then you are missing out on the opportunity of growing your account.
Comments: The “Don’t comment same users” feature is highly recommended! Users will soon notice if the same comments are posted on their images. The only case where you could comment same users is if you have set Grameasy to use many different unique comments and it is unlikely that the same comment will go to the same user. You are only limited by your creativity here. When choosing comments to use you need to keep them reasonably generic (you won’t know exactly what is in the image that you are commenting on) but not so generic that it is obviously an automated comment. Including hashtags and emojis can help your comments to stand out and look different from other users, whilst remaining generic enough to apply to many images. Here are a few that we have found to be useful.
Hashtags: Choosing tags to perform activity on needs a fair amount of research and consideration. In general, you want to be performing activity of tags that are popular, but not so popular that they are targeted by spammers who post inappropriate or adult content. Choosing the right tags will mean that you are interacting with users who want to grow their accounts will be actively searching for new users to follow. Look at other good accounts, find what hashtags they are using and search them within the instagram app. Have a look at the feed for that hashtag and be wary of any that include inappropriate content (I’m going to assume commenting “rad” on low brow content isn’t going to appeal to your fans). If there are only one or two users who are spamming the hashtag you could avoid them using the “Blacklist” feature outlined later in this guide. A good number is to aim for tags with 200,000 postings as they are widely used but less likely to be targeted with spam.
Locations: Setting locations in Grameasy is a powerful new feature. It allows you to reach target markets in a given location, which for some businesses will be of considerable value. If you know where your potential followers or customers are you should experiment with this feature. Keep in mind, not everyone tags their images with a location, so depending on the area you target you may run out of users to interact with. Use with caution.
Usernames: This is where you enter the usernames you wish to follow or perform activity on. Find users with a similar demographic of followers as the ones you are hoping to gain. You can enter multiple usernames to expand your reach here.
Messages: Add messages and system can help you send message to your new followers
Auto Post: This feature help you auto post on your Instagram accounts.

Post types: Photo, Story Photo and Video.
Preview post: Instagram post preview before posting in real
Schedule posts: Manage your post schedule with ease
Save post: Save your posts
Emojis: Supported a lot of great emojis
Category: Add accounts into categories
Spintax: supported spintax to random your connent post on your accounts on Instagram
Auto Send Direct Message: This feature help you auto send message to your following and followers on your Instagram accounts.

Schedule posts: Manage your post schedule with ease
Emojis: Supported a lot of great emojis
Spintax: supported spintax to random your connent message to your following and followers on your Instagram accounts
Instagram Search: You can search by username or hashtag with keyword.

Instagram Download: Enter Media ID or Media URL on instagram to can download any video or photo very easy

Save all activities on your Instagram accounts
Support multi Instagram Accounts
Support payment via paypal (With Extended License)
Support multi users
Support auto expired use on each users
Limit Instagram accounts on each users
Support recover password when user fogot password
Support register and login via Facebook, Google and Twitter
Support multi language
Support change color on theme
Support send email via SMTP
And more other great features
We are using the official Social Media API (Facebook, Twitter etc, except Instagram) which is available on Developer Center. That is a reason why Stackpost depends on Social Media API . Therefore, We are not responsible if they made too many critical changes in their side. We also don’t guarantee that the compatibility of the script with Socia Media API will be forever. Although we always try to update the lastest version of script as soon as possible. We don’t provide any refund for all problems which are originated from Social Media API (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc).

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Raditya Faisal Waliulu
Commented On 19 Feb 2019 21:02:35
Saya mw req demo. bagaimana caranya?...

Ahmad Mujiarto
Commented On 06 Okt 2018 13:07:45
ada screenshot g gan?...

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